Twenty Two

Like most of the corporate prisoners follow, after clocking in 8 hours of work, I knew it was time to leave for home. So I started packing and I don’t know why all of a sudden I checked my WhatsApp to stumble upon one of my friends` status which was about his blog post. I opened up the link to find out how one hell of roller coaster his year was and how he thinks I helped him (I absolutely did nothing) to get along with the bad phase. Reading those words made me happy about how far he had come from where he was. Sometimes it’s a mistake to emotionally open up and sometimes it is a sin to emotionally open up to someone who themselves are emotional fools. So with a content heart I leave the office to make a lonesome ride back home. I absolutely hate my ex roommate Chintan for being in Shenzhen now, as I have to drive both the times, but moreover for the fact that it’s lonely at times. And a lonely ride leads to overthinking and I know for a fact that words and sentences will flow in my mind as I ride back home because a heavy thought has lingered in my mind all day. I’m turning Twenty Two tomorrow.

In the golden days of wearing half pants and T shirts and getting your hair combed by Mom, birthdays really used to be exciting. You know it was going to be a special day as you knew you were the only person who would be in a civil uniform in the school. More than that you would get to pick your best friend to tag along with you to distribute chocolates and candies in the entire school while stealing and eating some for you own and your best friend. A pair of new clothes will start your morning and after you come home from school it was mandatory that all of your friends and family were invited to your home to devour upon Pav Bhaji and Gulabjamun along with cake and potato wafers and  even such a simple evening would feel sumptuous.

Somewhere in switching from half pants to full pants and now formals the excitement of a birthday got lost. Now birthdays are more of having some dear people going the extra mile to gift you something or decorate your house with a personal touch, some close friends coming at midnight to cut a cake and then let your face eat it while some are wishing good wishes on social media. If I’m fortunate enough my parents would travel to Pune just to be there for my birthday and make me happy. But if you ask me honestly, as every birthday passes the excitement goes down. And it’s not because of the fact that you’re growing old, or some of you hair are growing white or you’re getting out of shape. It’s because you realize that you really are growing up and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s when your realize that day by day the liabilities are increasing and the good old days of Pav Bhaji, Gulabjamun and wafers are gone.

I’m turning twenty two and I still haven’t got shit figured out for myself. I just have taken up a job but I don’t know whether I like working for someone that much or not. I don’t know what technology I love or what work makes me happy. I don’t know if I want to keep working or start something up. I even don’t know if I want to be a master in management or a master of science. It is scary when you know some people of your age already know what they want in their life or in slang terms they are ‘sorted’. I’m just boy holding some paint brushes in my hand as the canvas of life gets bigger day by day. I just know that there are my parents who I really want to make proud of myself, some people to whom I want to prove something, some people I need to love more, some souls which I need to help and have someone with whom I can pet plenty of dogs.

I guess age is just a number. And there’s no such thing being a kid or being and adult. Because at the end of the day twenty-two is just a number and year by year nothing changes. You only grow older and if you’re lucky, maybe a little wiser.

Happy birthday Shubhankar.

P.S: For those of you who cannot understand the thoughts in my mind and for those of who are in the same phase as me, I hope this song helps. Enjoy! 🙂


Another year has gone by.

If anyone asks me, what’s the most uncertain thing in life, I would go by the answer, time. Really, you cannot predict how time works. At some moments, it flies by like an aeroplane, and at some moments it is as slow as a snail. It’s Christmas today, and just 6 days left, for the year 2015 to end. But it still feels like yesterday that it began.

For me, this year was one of the most crucial and a vital years of my life. Along with all the fun and merriment I had, there were some of the best lessons of life taught to me, which cannot be picked up from anywhere else, but experience.

Exactly one year ago, on last Christmas, I was relaxing on a terrace of my friend’s house, wandering into the city-scape, thinking about where I had gone wrong in my life, given the scenario I was in. I was lost, I had no hopes, and no expectations whatsoever. But I was sure about one thing, that I was not going to give up on myself.

Today, exactly a year later, I’m in a better phase of life. Things turned out in my favor, and I’m happy about it. So what are the things I’ve learnt in the past year?

  • If you really want something with all of your heart, go for it. It may seem impossible in the beginning, but never give up. Pour all of your efforts in achieving what you really want, and one day, you will certainly have it. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it, I promise you that.
  • While chasing your dreams, there is a high possibility that you might end up making some crucial choices, which will lead you towards your dreams. It is important, that you choose wisely, and do no hesitate, after you have made your decision. Yes, you may hurt someone in the process, but if you have made a choice, you have to stick by it.
  • Life is never fair, it never will be. Understand that. Whatever has to happen, will happen, and you will have to face it. Life doesn’t stop for anyone, and so, you don’t. Don’t give up on yourself. That’s the worst thing you could do. Yes, it might seem going south at the moment, but one day, when you look at the bigger picture, it will come back to you, and you will know why it all happened, and everything will fall into place.
  • Always find happiness in small things. Always see the good things in people. Always see the positive side of things. Do the small things that make you and everyone happy. Because the smallest of things, can carve the biggest smile. Give all the love you have, because the world needs it. Be the miracle. Magic does exist, you just have to adjust your perspective.
  • And the most important thing would be, be at peace with yourself. Because if you are in peace with your own self, nothing can stop you from going where you want to, and having what you want.

So, yes, another year has gone by, like the others, but this year too, has taught me something, which I’d cherish in a long run. So, never forget to follow your heart. We only get one life, so don’t have any regrets, when the time comes.


P.S: Wish you all a Merry Christmas, and yes, a Happy New year. Take care. 🙂