What I learnt.

For anyone of you, who has travelled most of his life by State Transport buses, it is evident from a rather loud thud of the door shutting against the chassis that it is time for the bus to leave. The periodic beeping sound of the reverse horn was loud enough for everyone around to be alert and make way for the bus. The driver shifted into the first gear and made way towards the exit from Swargate Bus Depot taking a left, setting off towards my hometown. But what it also set off was a chain of thoughts in my mind. I was going home today, after completing my engineering. I remembered the boy who came in this city six years ago, to study, pursue engineering and I remembered the last day of my engineering project viva. Boy, what a journey it has been! Many call it ‘The end of an era‘. No, I don’t prefer calling it that. It is just a break in the journey that’s yet to be completed. And so far, this journey has been good and life changing. I’m not going to talk about that journey but rather it is repercussions. So, after earning a bunch of close friends, losing a few of them to stupid fights, loving someone, getting loved, breaking some hearts, going through a couple of heartbreaks and bidding adieu to loved ones I’m here to convey what I learnt.

Family comes first. Period. Let your mother, father, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts be on the top side of your priority list. Because when the world will go south for you, these people would always have your back, no matter what. Respect it.

Sometimes life and fate have more share in the things happening in your life than you might think. I don’t believe in fate entirely, but yeah, some things are bound to happen, and they will. As Gregory David Roberts said in his book, ‘Sometimes fate gives you a handful of sand and promises you that if you squeeze it hard enough, it will turn to gold‘, it may seem that things are going in the wrong direction at times, but have patience, you will see things work out later and then remember why it went wrong in the first place.

Control your anger before it drives you crazy. Yes, anger will bring nothing more than damage and sorrow in your life. Personally, it took me my whole life till now to learn this. I am a short tempered person. But now I’ve learned to gulp down my very first reaction, think and then react. Actions and spoken words can never be taken back. You’ll always pay for your deeds, sooner or later. Be mindful of what you do.

Breakups and heartbreaks are a part of life. Don’t make such a big deal out of it. People will come and go. Occasionally some people come in your life to teach you something and make you a better person. That’s all. Be thankful to them and cherish the good time you spent together. Not every story is supposed to be ‘Always’. 🙂

Moving on would be the most difficult thing to do while you are moving on. But once you have moved on, it will seem rather easy. Moving on is like being bogged down. No matter how hard you try and how much efforts you put in, it will drag you down. But if you remain still and think peacefully, there’s a chance you will get away with it. It is the same with moving on. Acceptance is the key.

No one can stop a determined and focused woman. It is a fact and I’ll leave it at that. Ladies, take note and do what you have to.

Always be kind to everyone. Help people. Give all you have to help them. Not necessarily money wise. Start with small things. Feed a stray dog, have a conversation with an old person, help a friend move on. Help in whichever way possible. Help people rise. It will bring you peace.

A man is known by the company he keeps. Be careful of the people you hang out with. Because these people develop and shape you in a way. They affect the way you think and act. Surround yourself with people who would help you get ahead from where you are and not remain stagnant. These people are the family you chose, so choose wisely.

Lastly, you’re going to spend most of your time with your own self. So learn to love yourself. Accept who you are. If you do, no one can use that against you. Be happy with your own company. Enjoy solitude at times. Develop and progress. Be a better human being, rather than being successful. Be proud of your scars. Learn from your mistakes and others’ too. Believe in yourself.

That sums it up. This is what I learnt from my mistakes so far and I’m happy about it. It was a good college life till now and I’m thankful for it. I’m about to enter my professional life in a few days. It is going to be a new world. A new start. I am nervous and excited to see what this chapter in my life has to offer. At the same time, I hope I keep in mind and heart, all I’ve learnt till now, and enter this phase.

Good luck, Shubhankar.


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