A lost girl.

A lost girl is to be found
Somewhere far away from this land
Among the green valleys and blue sky
Into the corners of this world so round
A lost girl is yet to be found

A lost girl is to be found
Somewhere near the seashore
Where lay the footprints of her feet
And she dances to the ocean’s sound
A lost girl is yet to be found

A lost girl is to be found
In the warmth of the yellow streetlights
On any of the empty streets
In a far away unknown town
A lost girl is yet to be found

A lost girl is to be found
Somewhere around many other girls
Reading a story from her favorite textbook
In a classroom full of faces so frowned
A lost girl is yet to be found

A lost girl is to be found
Somewhere near a countryside farm
Running her fingers through the daffodils
In a place where she is left spellbound
A lost girl is yet to be found

A lost girl is to be found
Her face glows like the morning sun
Her smile is shinier than a star
To all the luxuries of the world she is not bound
That lost girl is yet to be found

A lost girl is to be found
Somewhere deep in this universe
Or in deeper secrets of my mind
Amidst all the noise and chaos around
A lost girl is yet to be found